But of course the sun
Will come back tomorrow
Once again, I know
Darkness I’ve seen worse
To make people sane
Wait the sun is coming
There are people who are on the same side as you
But it should be on the other side
There are people who hurt others
There are people who don’t know how to love
There are people fooling us
See our life as it is
But i know one day we learn
If you want someone to trust
Trust in yourself
Who believes always reaches
But of course the sun
Will come back tomorrow
Once again, I know
Darkness I’ve seen worse
To make people sane
Wait the sun is coming
Never let them tell you it’s not worth it
Believe in the dream you have
Or that your plans will never work
Or that you’ll never be somebody
There are people who hurt others
There are people who don’t know how to love
But i know one day we learn
If you want someone to trust
Trust in yourself
Who believes always reaches

Thank you to Raphael A. Silva (for the song reference and for making and sharing pgModeler) who introduced me to this song while I was searching for software to help with drawing Entity Relationship Diagrams.

The human body has no mechanism for storing protein, so if you don’t eat enough protein in each meal then you’re depriving yourself if the body’s building blocks: amino acids (the units of all proteins). Some amino acids can be made by the body from others. Those that cannot be made from others are called essential amino acids, because without them, the body is not able to do some things that it can do with all essential amino acids. Quinoa is one of a few vegetable sources of all essential amino acids (meat also supplies all essential amino acids).

This protein calculator is a handy too for determining how much protein you should way in a day (RDA: Recommended Daily Allowance).
